Money where does it go ? I'm writing this because i know we all go threw this at least ones in our lives and i know relating to others going through this does help , Me and Jay have more then enough to give us a happy comfortable life But our spending habits are way out of hand .Nether of us are strong enough to do things right ALL THE TIME,we are both week but on the other hand we both work hard for our pay and want to enjoy life and boy do we. I'm in charge of the finances and you would think that the way i was raised with a mother that taught me to save and and be thrifty that it would make it easy for me to be really good with our money but some where along the last few years I lost that, we both just blow it like is going out of stile .I have a friend that is remarkable with her and her husbands money THEIR money She should be a money canceller.I think they make less then half of what we make and they live a very comfortable life. I Know it would be to hard to do what she does but i know we could do much better then we are . So it's back to the drawing board "Being real" looking at a balance of having fun in life but not being stupid about or spending habits. I want to have money for a rainy day .. CAUSE LIKE MY MOMMA SAID A PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY EARNED
Good one Char! Its comforting to know Im not the only one. I am going to make saving money my new challenge! Ive done it before, I can do it again.