Sunday, June 13, 2010

my other world

In sleep life's constraints unbuttoned and unzipped then cast off with the rest of the laundry in the hamper my fluffy pillow a giant sponge to sop up any left over worries spilling out my ears from my mined.
In sleep its my number that wins the lottery.
In sleep i can fly with the birds and travel to far away places go back in time revisit memorable times,
In sleep there are no wrinkles or grey hair and i can go back to being 20 again and money is of no concern.
My dream world is my haven there i can still believe in fairy tales, and guardian angels ,and prince charming and happy endings.


  1. Very poetic Charlene! Dreams can be nice places to visit for sure....

  2. Love sleep lol i guess im getting old more so i love Dreaming getting away from the norm so to speak takes you away for awhile
